
Friday 17 July 2009

New Chair for Association

On Thursday 9th July 2009, The Pemberton Community Association held their AGM in the Lamberhead Green WMC in Pemberton.

At the meeting, Steve Cartwright became the new Chairperson for the group. The third in six years. Steve joined the group four years ago as treasurer and has put alot of hardwork into the Association by way of arranging events, forging ties with businesses, schools etc and also attending meetings outside of the Association meetings when no one else was available from the group.

Helen Bennett joined the Association 18 months ago as assisitant secretary. At the AGM she became the secretary, taking over the roll from Dave Arrowsmith.

Dave Arrowsmith is the co founder of the Association, and was responsible, with Mike Dewhurst, in setting up the Association. Dave has now taken over the roll as Treasurer, as well as being the vice chair.

When the group was established in April 2003, there were 13 committee members, now we have 8. Our committee members are Jane Gillham, Louise Gillham, Phil Glover, Stefan Brownlow and Revd Colin Oxenforth.